Dream Journal With Night Stand
I created this journal with the intention of filling it with my dreams and allowing people to look through it. This was meant to be a kind of ultimate vulnerability. Sharing my subconscious unfiltered with anyone who felt inclined. Not long after I began recording my dreams I realized I was not ready to be that vulnerable. So I altered this nightstand to lock the journal allowing me to share the object and process while keeping the contents secret. I shared selected dreams and redacted information from them as a means to have control over my own vulnerability.
Pink is an energetic color it grabs the eye and draws it in. It can be polarizing, people often have very specific associations with it around identity or culture. I became drawn to the color as I began to explore my own identity further and discovered that I was uncomfortable with the color. I challenged myself to overcome my uncertainty about the color and began using it as a way to signal my hand in making. This cabinet was made using pink pigmented wood glue to highlight its imperfections and is embellished with self deprecating comments pointing out mistakes made in the making process.
Tall Collage
This collage explores points of connection and imperfection. In essence it is object associative play; stacking found images on top of one another in order to support a fragile punchline. The frame mirrors this process; collaged peices of frames and broken glass glued together with pink glue allowing the way the various pieces fit together to dictate the composition.