Shelf #3 (Failure)
Failure is an important part of creating. This piece is an exercise in accepting failure and allowing it to guide me to something more exciting than success.
A Tragic Connection
I passed by a sticky pest control trap at work one day and was struck by this tragically beautiful scene of two blue tailed skinks who had died together.
The first quinfruit was plucked off the nozzle of an architectural scale 3D printer that had malfunctioned and extruded a blob of PLA. I was struck by the form my mistake had taken. I kept it and began to create the form in as many materials as I could. Through replication and variation of the form it has transformed from an ambiguous blob of plastic into a specific shape.
Skate Ramp/Chess Table
This table was an exploration of bringing to disparate activities together. Skateboarding holds a place of sacredness in my life and work. I use the language of skateboarding to think about ritualistic and spiritual activity. Chess occupies a similar space for me. A game of chess can be a moment of spiritual connection where two minds meet. This piece balances absurdity with spatial poetry. It is a meticulously constructed object which uses color to draw ones eyes to the points of imperfection. It acts as a functional object making space for play in the form of chess and skateboarding as well as an altar to both the absurdity and gravity of these activities.