Stove Works | Chattanooga, TN | April 2023
My grandma’s basement has served as a creative space for many members of my friends and family and was my studio for years. In an effort to clean out the accumulated junk in the space I concieved of Some Things From My Grandmas Basement a show of works inspired by and made from things in the basement. These works are explorations of absurdity, functionality, failure, craftsmanship, vulnerability, mending, masculinity, tension, care, narrative, pitifulness, perspective, connections, uncertainty, play, precarious positions, more failure, problem solving, even more failure and finally acceptance.
North Main Gallery | Salem, NY | Oct 2022
The culmination of my time spent at Stoveworks in the spring of 2022 and Salem Art Works in the Summer and Fall Some Things I Had to Make was my first solo exhibition. The work in this show is a combination of a routine collage practice and a chaotic experimentation with sculptural processes.
Mostly Pink Things

Dry Ice Gallery | Chattanooga, TN | Oct 2021
Mostly Pink Things was the first body of work I produced after completing undergrad. My process was heavily centered around understanding why I felt the need to make art. This work was the beginning of an on going investigation into the importance of vulnerability, secrecy, and identity in my work.